Saturday, April 14, 2012

InTrOdUcTiOn... .

Assalamualaikum n Hye!!!My name is Fatimaa Zaharaa Binti Sayuti…You all can call me Faraa…This year I’m 24 years old…But still look like baby face ok…Ahakz…Ok…Now I’m study at UNIMAS, Sarawak…Waaa…So far right? Hihihi…But my hometown at Kampar, Perak. At UNIMAS, I take marketing course…I am future business woman…Lalalala…Insha’Allah…(“,)…Pray for me k…

Why I create this blog? Haaaa…I will story mory to you all…Taraaaaaa….Toink…Toink…Toink!!!!

I create this blogs because it has related to one of the subject that I take this semester. Research Methodology for Economic and Business. Lecturer that teaches me in this subject is Dr Rohaya Mohd Nor. I take this subject because this is first step to me to do the PTA for my course. Next semester I will take PTA 1 n PTA 2. We must do the research that related to marketing. So, to easy my lecturer to know what topic n information that her students do, she ask us to create the blog.

Fuhhh…Actually, I do not know more about blog world. I also have my own blog. But not active. It is because I update my entry when I not busy or have mood to do it. Hahaha. I hope with do this blog I can bring more information and my opinion about my research also can get more information about blog.

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