Monday, May 28, 2012

JuDgInG A ReSeArCh StUdY... .

Hye all. Now I want to update my blog. Ok for your information, this is the last task in this blog.Hohoho...After this maybe I seldom update this blog. Huhuhu...

Before this I have mention that I change my topic research. So I focus on credibility factors of product. My lecturer want me to judge a research study in any article. So, I choose this:

Title: The credibility of advertising vs publicity for new FMCGs in Turkey.
Author: Serra İnci Çelebi, Public Relations and Advertising Department, Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, Turkey

 The purpose of this study is to investigate the credibility of advertising vs publicity; to examine the credibility of advertising including a promotional endorser (APE) and publicity including a promotional endorser (PPE); to compare the credibility of advertising across the different demographic segments; and to explore the important factors affecting consumers' shopping considerations of new fast moving consumer goods (FMCGs) in Turkey.

For methodology, this data was gathered by a telephone survey from a respondents wanted to participate from three of Turkey's largest cities, İstanbul, Ankara, and İzmir.
Beside that, for announcing new FMCGs in Turkey, advertising was found to be more credible by the participants with higher income. Respondents' shopping decisions of new FMCGs were affected by price and quality more than the other factors. Consumers tended to rely on publicity more than advertising; more than APE; and more than PPE. They also tended to count PPE more credible than APE.

Lastly, the result is would be appropriate for advertising managers, who wish to market to Turkey, to consider recipients' income levels in regard to the credibility of advertising for new FMCGs. It is also important to note for international companies that price and quality play a major role on Turkish consumers' shopping decisions of new FMCGs among the other factors including experiments, organizational trust, and word-of-mouth.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

PosTeRs... .

My lecturer bring the task to do. Actually, our class need to present the poster about our research topic. But my lecturer says that we no need to do it. Waaa...I'm so happy. Hihihi. She change our task. We need to go to our senior poster presentation and ask them about that poster. So...Lets see it. .:-)

First poster:

Topic: Non muslim perception on Halal.
Question: How do you get the result and did it take long time?
Answer: I get this result with pass it to the respondent that is non-muslim. One person take about 3 to 4 time to complete it. I do it in not more 1 month also focus at area Kuching town and Sibu town. The questionnaire must include it categories for easy respondent understand about this research.

Second Poster:

Topic: The relationship between customer satisfaction with customer services and store image toward supermarkets.
Question: Can you explain about the methodology?
Answer: Yes. This is focus on quantitative method. It is because I research about marketing. I get the respondent in Sibu area when I in semester break last semester. Before this I state 8 hypothesis after finding the result. But now I just state 7 and just 2 hypothesis are accepted.

EtHNoGrApHy... .

NoW I want to explain about ethnography.

What is ethnography?
Originating in anthropology, this term traditionally refers to a practice in which researchers spend long periods living within a culture in order to study it. The term has been adopted within qualitative market research to describe occasions where researchers spend time - hours, days or weeks - observing and/or interacting with participants in areas of their everyday lives. This contrasts with interview-based research in which interaction with respondents is limited to a conventional interview or group discussion format, is more limited in time, and often takes place outside the participant's own environment.
 As a personal example, I spent a lot of time in an ethnically themed college dormitory to understand how institutions like universities and the students deal with difference.

Ethnography in marketing.
Ethnographic Insight anthropologists are experts in ethnography. It include academic training, years of fieldwork experience, and are innovators in the application of anthropological models and methods to marketing research.
Beside that, it understanding of consumer preferences, motivations, and needs by examining the environments consumers inhabit and the socio-cultural influences on their behaviors. Such insights translate into strategic business opportunities, including improved customer loyalty and increased competitive advantage.
It specialize in:
  • Consumer research that reveals the unspoken cultural and social patterns that shape consumer behavior
  • Intelligent research design which delivers actionable, "big picture" findings for clear return on investment
  • Market expertise: technology, retail, packaged goods, consumer electronics, and sustainability
  • Integrity and commitment to service: we take no short-cuts and devote unparalleled attention to every project   
Advantage in undertaking ethnography study in the context of marketing research.
Immersing yourself in your consumers’ world helps you to better understand both the rational and emotional triggers, and the motivations that impact product purchases and usage, so that you can better connect with and engage your consumers. Ethnographic market research is particularly useful in informing marketers’ and product developers’ understanding of the small, often unstated details that will help them increase the probability of new product success and/or reduce the probability of failure.
  • Better understand not only the environment in which your product is used, but how your product fits in with the overall usage occasion.
  • Form qualitative profiles of your consumer based on this more in-depth understanding of the world and beliefs.
For example, by better understanding consumers’ morning routines, food manufacturers can create new product varieties, develop more user friendly packaging, promote new benefits in their marketing and advertising campaigns, etc.

Disadvantage in undertaking ethnography study in the context of marketing research.
Due to the fact that ethnographic research relies on observation, it often takes a longer period of time to produce thorough and reliable results. Also, because the research is reliant upon the observations of just one or a few people, the conclusions about what the human subjects were doing, saying or feeling could be altered by the observers' cultural bias or ignorance.

Challengers in undertaking ethnography study in the context of marketing research.
It is not easy within to build the relationship with the customer. That would be taking a longer time. It because hard to collect the data or information from the customers.To understanding the living cultural and behavior of customers also need take a longer time.

TopIc ChAnGeS... .

Hye readers and blogger. Long time I not update this research blog. I'm so lazy. Dont follow my bad attitude. Hihihi. Now I want to inform that I have change my topic. Before this I use "THE WAY TO PROMOTE FEMALE MUSLIMS FASHION AND CONSUMER PERCEPTIONS ON THIS PRODUCT". But now, my topic is "THE CREDIBILITY FACTORS OF MUSLIMAH FASHION" I'm also get Mr Fathan to be my supervisor. So happy!!!(",)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

ToUcH Up...MaKe Up... .

Hmmm...My blog look simple. Next I will touch up and makeup it. Hihihi. Just wait k. The important, must in red themes. Because I love red damn much. Wiiiiii... . :-)

FaCt Vs ThEoRy... .

The terms fact and theory are words with different meanings. Although both are used in many different fields of studies, they still manage to have their own distinct definitions that separate one from the other. One particular field, wherein both terms are commonly used is in Science.

In the scientific world, facts (or scientific facts) are what one can readily observe. It can pertain to any objective and real phenomenon may it be the falling of the ball after being thrown upwards or other simple observable occurrences. In this regard, the fact is that the ball will fall. More so, if this test is being done repeatedly under a controlled environment that cancels all unnecessary variables the phenomenon would have become a very obvious and undeniable fact. It is considered a fact because it will remain as true even after several centuries unless there is a more rigid and precise way of measuring a certain phenomenon.

On the contrary, theories in science are likened to the explanations to what has been observed. It is relatively greater in weight to what a hypothesis is. If a hypothesis (an intelligent guess) is the first base of formulating a scientific law then theories are placed at the second base. These are the statements that are assumed to be true (because they seem so) even if there are no hundred percent concrete evidences. Nevertheless, theories are always presented to be true even if the claims in the said theories are mere speculations or a general agreement between a significant numbers of experts. Moreover, theories are the statements that often undergo a series of tests to nullify the claims maid by those who propose them.

To display the difference between fact and theory, a good example is when a report will state that a certain hurricane killed thousands in a particular state in America yesterday because of the reckless mass evacuation spearheaded by the local officials. In this aspect, the fact is that many were killed by the hurricane while the theory is the reason behind the death of these people. Was it only because of the haphazard evacuation plan or was it also because of the intensity of the hurricane among many other reasons? Hence, facts are really the real deal while theories are still unclear although presumed to be true.

1. Facts are observations whereas theories are the explanations to those observations.
2. Theories are vague truths or unclear facts whereas facts are really facts.

Hohoho. This entry are formal. I take it from Mr Google. Hihihi. Hope U all can undestand it.(“,)

NaRrOw DoWn My ToPiC ReSeArCh

I must narrow down my topic research. Firstly, I must develop the theory of my topic. It related to promotion and customer perception. And than I will formulate hypotheses. It is based on the collection of data that I collect. After get the all reason and information, I will accept or reject that hypotheses.

InDucTiVe Or DeDuCtIvE TyPe Of ReSeArCh

Orait. I will continue. Type or research also devide into 2. Inductive and deductive. Let me explain one by one.
Inductive is a process where we observe certain phenomena and on this basis arrive at conclusions. In other words, in induction we logically establish a general proposition based on observed facts.

However, deductive is the process by which we arrive at a reasoned conclusion by logical generalization of a known fact.

Okay. So my research relate to inductive or deductive? It is…….Deductive. Why I choose it? It is because I must study n get the information about my topic. Find its problem also. And than I will do the observation for hypotheses to get the result and solve it problem. Wahhh. Very adventure to do it. Chaiyok2 Faraa!!!

My ReSeArCh AcCoRdInG To ThE DiMeNsIoNs

For my research, it must according to the dimensions. It are include basic and applied research. Ok. I will explain about it.

Basic research has a broader objective of generating knowledge and understanding of phenomena and problems that occur in various organizational settings. The sources of most new scientific ideas and ways of thinking about the world. In business research context it to generate a body of knowledge about how to solve problems that could be occurred in organizations. These findings later become useful for application in business situations.

Next, applied research. Applied research is specifically aimed at solving a currently experienced problem. It also means applied researchers try to solve specific policy problems or help practitioners accomplish tasks. In business research context it to solve a current problem in the work setting.

My research according to basic research. U all knows why? It is because I must find the information about my topic first. And than I will analyze also solve the problem about this topic.

ThE PrObLem ThAt I AtTeMpT To AdDrEsS WhEn I DeCiDe To ReSeArCh ThIs ToPiC.

Wooo so long my title. Hihihi. Eippp be serious Faraa!!! Ok2.

Like you all know, many fashion and style are going out now. It is very famous. The designs are like ‘Tudung bawal’, shawl, ‘Tudung sarung’ and many more. People that buy this product mostly female right? Male also can buy it but not for wear it. Hihihi. They can bring to their mother, sister, girlfriend, or wife for present.

I must find the problem in my research and solve it. The problems that I attempt to address include:

  • Perception customer about this product
  • Why they use this product? For religion or fashion?
  • How long people like to follow this fashion?
  • What type of customer that always buy this product?
  • How to promote this product?
  • Did it successful to promote when do
  • What is the most successful way to promote this product?
That’s all. But maybe I will add the more problem that I want to research later.

WhY I ChOoSe ThIs ToPiC?

My topic I do for my research is HOW WAY TO PROMOTE FEMALE MUSLIMS FASHION AND CONSUMER PERCEPTIONS ON THIS PRODUCT? Actually before this I have done explain to you all about my topic. Right? Forget? Ohhh. Ok. I explain it again.

I like female Muslim fashion damn much. For your information, before I continue study at UNIMAS, I work with my aunt as supervisor at her’s boutique. She sells the male n female Muslim fashions, but more focus on female Muslim fashion. It such likes shawl, dress, blouse, inner and so on. So, my interested to female Muslim fashion increased. I always read and search the new updated about this fashion. It is from others blog, facebook and information from internet.

ReSeArCh... .

Orait...Now I want to explain about research. Research is the process of finding solutions to a problem after a thorough study and analysis of the situational factors. I must find the information that related to female Muslim fashion…Lots ok…Huhuhu…After that I will find its problem and make the solution…Its like complicated to do…But MUST do. Fighting!!!

I am business student. My research must base on business research. Business research can be described as a systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem encountered in the work setting, which needs a solution. In the context of manager, business research comprises a series of steps designed and executed, with the goal of finding answers to the issues that are of concern to the manager in the work environment. So, when I do this research, I can know way to do the research and can bring it when I’m in working world.

To do the research, it must have the step that from first to last. It can make easy to find the problem. This is the steps in the research process:

  1. Choose topic
  2. Focus research question
  3. Design study
  4. Collect dataAnalyze and interpret data
  5. Inform others
Orait. That’s all. Wish me luck to do this research with successful. (",)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

WhAt ToPiC ReLaTeD To MaRkEtInG ThAt I ArE InTeReStEd To Do FoR My PTA?

I be excited to story to you all about my topic that related to marketing that I are interested to do for my PTA...U all want to know that?Wiiiiiiiii...(In excited and happy face).


I like female muslim fashion damn much. For your information, before I continue study at UNIMAS, I work with my aunt as supervisor at her’s boutique. She sell the male n female muslim fahion, but more focus on female muslim fashion. It such like shawl, dress, blouse, inner and so on. I get many experiece from there along one and half years i work there. It like how to communicate with customer, brave to handle this business, manage the sale account every month, promotion our product to customer and many more. So, with my research, I hope can do it well. I will get more information about female muslim fashion and evaluate its advantage and disadvantage.