Saturday, May 26, 2012

EtHNoGrApHy... .

NoW I want to explain about ethnography.

What is ethnography?
Originating in anthropology, this term traditionally refers to a practice in which researchers spend long periods living within a culture in order to study it. The term has been adopted within qualitative market research to describe occasions where researchers spend time - hours, days or weeks - observing and/or interacting with participants in areas of their everyday lives. This contrasts with interview-based research in which interaction with respondents is limited to a conventional interview or group discussion format, is more limited in time, and often takes place outside the participant's own environment.
 As a personal example, I spent a lot of time in an ethnically themed college dormitory to understand how institutions like universities and the students deal with difference.

Ethnography in marketing.
Ethnographic Insight anthropologists are experts in ethnography. It include academic training, years of fieldwork experience, and are innovators in the application of anthropological models and methods to marketing research.
Beside that, it understanding of consumer preferences, motivations, and needs by examining the environments consumers inhabit and the socio-cultural influences on their behaviors. Such insights translate into strategic business opportunities, including improved customer loyalty and increased competitive advantage.
It specialize in:
  • Consumer research that reveals the unspoken cultural and social patterns that shape consumer behavior
  • Intelligent research design which delivers actionable, "big picture" findings for clear return on investment
  • Market expertise: technology, retail, packaged goods, consumer electronics, and sustainability
  • Integrity and commitment to service: we take no short-cuts and devote unparalleled attention to every project   
Advantage in undertaking ethnography study in the context of marketing research.
Immersing yourself in your consumers’ world helps you to better understand both the rational and emotional triggers, and the motivations that impact product purchases and usage, so that you can better connect with and engage your consumers. Ethnographic market research is particularly useful in informing marketers’ and product developers’ understanding of the small, often unstated details that will help them increase the probability of new product success and/or reduce the probability of failure.
  • Better understand not only the environment in which your product is used, but how your product fits in with the overall usage occasion.
  • Form qualitative profiles of your consumer based on this more in-depth understanding of the world and beliefs.
For example, by better understanding consumers’ morning routines, food manufacturers can create new product varieties, develop more user friendly packaging, promote new benefits in their marketing and advertising campaigns, etc.

Disadvantage in undertaking ethnography study in the context of marketing research.
Due to the fact that ethnographic research relies on observation, it often takes a longer period of time to produce thorough and reliable results. Also, because the research is reliant upon the observations of just one or a few people, the conclusions about what the human subjects were doing, saying or feeling could be altered by the observers' cultural bias or ignorance.

Challengers in undertaking ethnography study in the context of marketing research.
It is not easy within to build the relationship with the customer. That would be taking a longer time. It because hard to collect the data or information from the customers.To understanding the living cultural and behavior of customers also need take a longer time.

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